
How To Take Better Photos… — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks Janice,
    For a very useful post. I always find myself in a cat and mouse game with a digital camera. Sometimes I take superb pictures, other times i very quickly delete the blurred images that look so terrible.
    Knowing which settings to put is very essential and one of the steps in taking great pictures.
    Keep it up!

    Checkout Yvonne Tagbo’s last blog post..Youtube 101: Quick Guide to using Youtube

    • Merci Yvonne for your good words. Indeed, the most fundamentals camera settings are often overlooked because people have a tendency to set their digital camera on the AUTOMATIC settings, and therefore miss on some great shots.

      Tip : when I take a shot that results in being too blurry for the purpose of the picture, I still keep it in a special folder to use it as a background to text , i.e. poetry, greetings, or whatever special “ambiance” I am trying to reach with some text message. 😉

      Have fun taking pictures!

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