Will A Photo A Day Keep The White Page Syndrome Away?
As you might notice, it’s been a while since my last post. Not because I was running after time, nor because I forgot about it, but simply because I was suffering of the “white page syndrom” which keeps yourself, even though you have zillions of subjects relating to digital photography that you want to talk about, from writing.
For the last week, each sentence typed was “back spaced” to the beginning of the line.
While talking about this mental block with my best friend, Mairiuna, she suggested that I should, each day, walk around the block, bike or jump into my car and go take photos. Then, come back and upload one to the blog.
Hum…not a bad idea ! I think I can do that 🙂 Well, my dear friend, I will take you up on this.

Cup of coffee - Photo by Janice Dugas
I did not have to go very far before something stroke my fancy this morning : my cup of coffee and first breathing of fresh air gave me the subject for today’s photo. Well…well…well…
Did you know that the term “cup of coffee” has it’s own little story?
Let me share it with you .
As defined in Wikipedia, ” a cup of coffee is North American sports terminology for a short time spent by a minor league player at the major league level. The idea behind the term is that the player was only in the big leagues long enough to have a cup of coffee before being returned to the minors, or simply to describe a brief stint served with a professional team.
One example of how this term is used in a sentence was during the 1996 film The Fan, ( with Robert De Niro ) in which the lead character, a middle-aged former pitcher, says, “I was in the bigs for a cup of coffee myself until my arm went south.”

Cup of Coffee Aside Scotland Map - Photo by Marie-Agnès Leducq
My friend Mairiuna (who lives near Bordeaux, France) and myself ( living near Montreal, Quebec) are authoring a blog devoted to Everything Scotland.
Hop over and come visit Scotiana.com to find resources and information about all aspects of Scottish lifestyle, inland and abroad.
Mairiuna, (which is the gaelic translation of Marie-Agnes’s first name) with husband Jean-Claude, have travelled almost yearly to Scotland since 2000. I joined them for the 2006 and 2007 expedition and we all three plan to return again soon. A wealth of photos coming up!
Talk soon,
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