Get Rid Of The Pain Caused by Neck Straps with the BlackRapid RS-4 Innovative Camera Strap
A few days ago, in the optometrist’s waiting room, I grabbed a french magazine on a nearby stand. What a surprise to discover it was about photography!
Great articles and many product reviews. One in particular caught my attention: the rapid camera strap RS-4 from BlackRapid.

The World's Fastest Camera Strap (Source:
It wasn’t the strap itself that draw me to read the entire product review but moreso the first sentence of the article:
“Non, bien sûr que non, je ne suis pas en lacune de matériel pour que j’en vienne à écrire à propos d’une courroie photographique. Mais la conception est tellement efficace, tellement simple, qu’on se demande pourquoi cette étincelle d’intelligence ne s’est pas manifestée avant aujourd’hui. (…) ” Jean-Francois Landry.
Let me translate, to my best, in english:
“No, of course, it is not because I am in lack of subjects that I come to write about a camera strap. But the conception is so efficient, so simple, that we ask ourselves how come this spur of intelligence took so long to materialize itself..(…)
As described on the site, the R-Strap is worn diagonally across the torso from shoulder to hip and is ajustable to fit most photographers. The locking FastenR connects the R-Strap to the tripod socket of camera or lens. The camera hangs upside down, resting securely at your side or in your back, lens pointing behind you.
A perfect solution to the frequent neck pains when on trips shooting all day long.
Also a great way to free your hands and gain more flexibility of movement. This is so cool…
Amazing invention by Ron Henry!
If any of you are already using the “The World’s Fastest Camera Strap”, do share your experience by leaving a comment below.
Now THAT’s a cool strap, specially the enhanced version with all the slots for your stuff.
If I’ve had a worthy camera, I would probably get one of those straps.
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..How To: QuickTime X Autoplay Movies On Open In Snow Leopard =-.
Hi Klaus,
Worthy camera or not, just getting rid of those atrocious neck pain is worth the spend. 🙂 Best, Janice